There is no Doubt that stress is really bad for you. Unfortunately, stress impacts your mindset also It impacts your physically power an Stamina as well. “Stress can Destroy a person’s body,” Being a Sexologist i would share my experience. It can affect many different body systems and do damage if a person is under Stress. stress can even increase your low immunity, being aged , sugar, cancer other disease . Sexologist in Delhi If you still dont’ chill out and enjoy life’s every moment more regulars, this might: Stress can have a big impact on your sex life, too. “Stress can impact physically, emotionally, and destroy relations as well, a sex therapist and licensed psychologist Dr Vinod Raina tell for Marital and Sexual Health tell from Delhi , india Best Sexologist Doctor in Delhi Stress’ attack on your libido is innate, licensed clinical psychologist During times of stress, we need to survive, not procreate, And, unfortunately, stress can attack your sex life o